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Work Order Finance

SBL provides Work Oder Financing facilities to different Sole Proprietorship/Partnership Firms/Private Limited Companies involved in CONSTRUCTION or OTHER CIVIL WORKS offered by different Govt./Semi Govt. organization, Autonomous Bodies or other organizations accepted to the Bank to complete public developmental projects. Work Order Finance enables Contractors/suppliers financial accommodation in the form of Bid Bond, SOD(EM), Performance Guarantee(PG), Advance Payment Guarantee (APG) and SOD(WO) facility to execute the work orders.

SOD (Earnest Money)

     For issuance of SDRs/POs/DDs on behalf of Sole Proprietorship/Partnership Firms/Private Limited Companies involved in construction or other civil works to submit bid in a tender invited by different Government/ Semi-Govt. Organizations to complete public developmental projects.
     “SOD (EM)” to be adjusted by depositing of the returned SDRs/POs/DDs against unsuccessful bids and to be adjusted from own source of the customer for successful bid.
     No Cheque book to be issued against the limit
     Reasonable Interest Rate

Bid Bond

     For issuance of Guarantee or undertaking on behalf of Sole Proprietorship/Partnership Firms/Private Limited Companies involved in construction or other civil works to submit bid in a tender invited by different Government/ Semi-Govt. Organizations to complete public developmental projects.
     Bid Bond to be adjusted through return of original instrument/guarantee.
     Margin/Commission as per Bank’s rule.

Bank Guarantee (BG)/Performance Guarantee (PG)

     After acceptance of bid or tender of a particular customer by work order inviting authority [Government/ Semi-Govt. Organizations], SBL provides Bank Guaranty in the form of Performance Guarantee (PG)/Performance Security (PS) to the authority that the customer will complete the job as per terms of the tender or to pay damage up to the guarantee amount.
     Margin/Commission as per Bank’s rule.

Advance Payment Guarantee (APG)

     SBL provides bank guarantee or undertaking on behalf of the client to enable to receive bills receivable in advance against the work awarded by different Government/Semi-Govt. Organizations, Autonomous Bodies or other organizations accepted to the Bank.
     Guarantee covers the amount of bills receivable in advance to meet the work order execution cost i.e. Advance Rent Payment regarding rental of machinery and procurement of raw materials, etc.
     Margin/Commission as per Bank’s rule.

SOD (Work Order)

     SBL provides justifiable credit limit to the client [Sole Proprietorship/Partnership Firms/Private Limited Companies] involved in construction or other civil works awarded Work Order by the Government/Semi-Govt. Organizations, Autonomous Bodies or other organizations accepted to the Bank.
     Facility covers justifiable required limit to execute the assigned work order.
     Repayment to be made through the bills receivable from the work order awarding authority or from their other own sources acceptable to the Bank.