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Real Estate Finance

SBL provides House Building Investment facilities to both commercial/individual clients who are involved in Real Estate Business for completion of commercial/residential building.

House Building Investment (Commercial)

     Investment facility for commercial developers [Sole Proprietorship/Partnership Firms/Private/Public Limited Company] who are involved in Real Estate Business.
     Investment facility to owners of land for construction of building.
     Disbursement to be made phase-by-phase upon assurance of proper utilization of both equity and debt participation.
     Repayment to be made by depositing the sale proceeds and rent into the Investment account or from other sources of the developers.

House Building Investment (Residential)

     Investment facility for construction of the building/renovation of the existing building.
     Disbursement to be made phase-by-phase upon assurance of proper utilization of both equity and debt participation.
     Sale proceeds/rent must be deposited to the Investment account for adjustment.